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January Donations
Monthly Goal: $80.00 Total Donations: $248.48

Rawbones- $10.00
Swassy - $10.00
Goat - $10.00
PANIC! - $15.00
Slug - $100.00
Eastern - $103.48


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Volute Tutorial

1.) Make sure you have a fresh/stock install of MOHAA. You can get a new, clean one from here.

2.) Copy the new MOHAA game folder to your desktop (this should make it easier to access it from Volute).

3.) Go to the volute website and register an account:

4.) Download the latest version of Volute from the website and install on your desktop.

5.) On the Volute website, go to your Settings.

6.) Listed on the Account Information page is your User ID number. Open Volute and enter your User ID in the Volute Settings box.

7.) Click on the API Key tab and copy the key to paste into the Volute Settings box.

8.) Click Browse to connect your MOHAA.exe to your Volute.

9.) Once you have setup Volute, you can now set your Name, type in a server IP, and hit Connect to join a server.

You're all set to use Volute! Thank you for keeping our servers and community Cheat-Free.