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February Donations
Monthly Goal: $80.00 Total Donations: $180.00

PANIC - $150.00
Rawbones - $10.00
Swassy - $10.00
Goat - $10.00


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  • Total Members: 92
  • Latest: Creed
  • Total Posts: 2,030
  • Total Topics: 965
  • Online today: 11
  • Online ever: 290
  • (November 21, 2019, 10:32 PM)
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Users: 0
Guests: 3
Total: 3

last updated: 05/26/2024

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Server Rules

1.) Cheating of any kind is not permitted on our servers. This includes, but is not limited to, hacking, botting, sharking.

2.) Players should be respectful to each other. Inappropriate language, discriminatory remarks, and inflammatory comments will NOT be tolerated.

3.) Any type of advertising of a clan, server, or website is not permitted.

4.) Players should not recruit for other clans or servers on any of our platforms.

5.) Camping teleports or spawns is not permitted.

6.) Door blocking is not permitted.

7.) When playing Freezetag, players should always be aware of how many players are left, and should make every effort to melt their teammates.

Discord Rules

1.) Discord guidelines and Terms of Service apply at all times.

2.) Be respectful to all users. If you are having an issue with another user, please contact a Server Admin.

3.) Advertising without permission is prohibited.

4.) Please use the appropriate channels for complaints/questions (support, report a player, etc.).

5.) Users should use push-to-talk in our voice channels.

Website Rules

1.) Please do not openly disrespect or accuse other website members. Please contact an admin if you are having issues with another user. Inappropriate language, discriminatory remarks, and inflammatory comments will NOT be tolerated.

2.) Inappropriate posts will be removed. This includes spamming and advertising without permission.

Membership Rules

1.) All Server Rules should be followed by Clan Members. Clan members are held at a higher standard than non-members. Clan Members should serve as a role-model for our guests.

2.) All members are expected to donate to the clan fund whenever possible; otherwise clan assets may be discontinued.

3.) The Clan Officers reserve the right to make changes to the rules without advance notice.

Recruitment Guidelines

1). The Clan Officers & Server Admins will serve as the Recruiting Officers of the clan. Other members are permitted to encourage players to fill out an application.

2.) New members will be brought in as Recruits and will wear the recruit tag [RCT] throughout their recruitment period.

3.) The recruitment period will last at least 14 days. This timeline may vary at the discretion of the Clan Officers.

Match Rules & Guidelines

1.) During a match, the Match Coordinator or Clan Officer should be the server administrator for the match, and should be the only one communicating with the other team.

2.) Only the designated Server Admin should use their admin privileges during a match, unless instructed otherwise.

3.) If a match is in progress and another players wants to join, the player should ask permission before entering the server.

4.) Players should make every effort not to leave in the middle of a match. Exceptions are made in cases of an emergency, etc.

5.) It is recommended that all players use Volute. Volute is required for all League matches.

6.) Players should be courteous to the others in the channel, and should avoid distracting other players.

7.) Players must be on discord while playing a match.